Kagan Model School Open House

Learn About and See Kagan Cooperative Learning In Action! Visiting teachers will participate in professional [...]

Advanced Cooperative Learning for Teaching Mathematics

Advance Cooperative Learning for Teaching Mathematics Learn teaching structures to create success in your maths/numeracy [...]

Cooperative Learning

Want to engage students? Want to raise test scores? Want teacher-friendly strategies to implement tomorrow? [...]

Reading Between the Lines

Reading Between the Lines Develop Deep Thinking While Reading in Every Subject! Today’s standards demand [...]

Cooperative Meetings

  Do you lead or facilitate staff meetings, faculty meetings, retreats, collaborative meetings, or work [...]

CL & The Writing Process

  1 Day Workshop Would you like to see your students have passion for writing? [...]

Cooperative Learning & Little Ones Pre-K-2

  The early years are a critical time in a student’s education. Students come to [...]

K-6 Maths/Numeracy

  Add zing to your daily maths/numeracy lesson. Boost attention and retention with highly-engaging structures [...]

Secondary Mathematics

  You can be the best maths teacher your students ever had without having to [...]

Structure a Month Club (SAM Club)

  You or instructional leaders in your school emphasise one structure each month. You provide [...]