Character and Personal Development
Stretch your students' interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences with these ready-to-use questions and activities. This book is brimming with questions on topics such as: All About Me, All About School, Esteem Building, Emotional Intelligence...
Higher Level Thinking
When it's time to create thinking questions about the learning topic, teams pull out their Question Dice. They roll this pair of quiet, foam dice. Each new roll yields a new question starter: What Might?, Why is?, Who Can? You will be amazed how ...
Quiz-Quiz-Trade: Mathematics Years 6-8 Level 2 Does it ever feel impossible to get upper primary & high school students to stop interacting with classmates and focus on maths? So stop trying. Convert that natural impulse to interact into productive maths
Quiz-Quiz-Trade: Mathematics Years 5-8 Level 1. Does it ever feel impossible to get upper primary & high school students to stop interacting with classmates and focus on maths? So stop trying. Convert that natural
Does it ever feel impossible to get upper primary & high school students to stop interacting with classmates and focus on maths? So stop trying. Convert that natural impulse to interact into productive maths learning with Quiz-Quiz-Trade.
Students and parents share the excitement of science discovery with simple and safe send-home investigations. Each activity has a teacher page, complete with an overview, ideas for introducing the activity, answers, and cooperative classroom foll...
English as Second Language(ESL) & Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
Your ESL and foreign language students will be talking right away! Students love this rich array of cooperative learning games, lessons and activities. You will promote language acquisition through a communicative approach. The book includes sect...
All New Products
Each text feature is succinctly described along with an interactive activity idea to cement understanding of each text feature. Make the most of using informational texts of all types across all academic subject areas!...
A secondary chemistry book full of teaching and learning resources for teachers of secondary students. This book contains so many exciting explorations and cooperative, interactive structures, your students will react to chemistry like never befo...
Multiple Intelligences
Across the Curriculum Spanning the intelligences, these 100 plus activities are designed to release the hidden genius in students with all intelligences, especially those who learn through movement and music. You'll love these innovative ways to ...
English and Literacy
What's the most effective way to build students' vocabulary? Do we put research to practice and use a multi-stage approach? Do we respect brain science, multiple intelligences, and learning styles theories and opt for activities that integrate vi...